Your faith is our strength. Join our family.
"Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for Me." - Matthew 25:45
To increase literacy, numeracy, and skills development for underrepresented individuals throughout our community.
In 2014, the late Bishop Phillip A. Brooks sent my wife and I to the Pontiac area to serve as Pastor of Johnson Memorial Church of God in Christ. After twenty-five years of outreach ministry (door-to-door evangelism, community outreach, and prison ministry), I had little desire to pastor a church. However, after discussion with my wife, I accepted the call because I believed that it would provide an expanded platform on which to minister. Soon after God opened my eyes to a greater vision, one that only by faith, would be brought to fruition.
We are called by God to be His representatives and His presence in the world. Through outreach we exchange blessings and resources and meet the needs we all share.
Will you join me on this journey as we allow God to use us to change one family at time?
When everyone in the family is healthy, whole communities thrive.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Courtney A. Drew
Outreach Development Center, President